Vincent LOH

Group Chief Commercial Officer
CPG Corporation Pte Ltd
Chief Executive Officer
CPG International Pte Ltd
Er Vincent Loh leads as Group Chief Commercial Officer (GCCO), driving CPG’s commercial strategy to achieve revenue growth across both new and established markets. He heads the international arm of CPG and oversees its global business development activities. Vincent also manages marketing initiatives and relationship management across global markets, ensuring CPG’s continued success on the international stage.
A registered Professional and Chartered Civil Structural Engineer, Vincent brings over three decades of expertise to his role. He has been personally involved in diverse projects from super high-rise towers to complex chemical, micro-electronics, pharmaceutical-type projects and complex civil engineering infrastructure projects in Singapore and internationally.
He draws on his years of experience, including the last 10 years in senior management, to inspire and impart skills and best practices to the next generation of leadership and beyond.
Professional Associations
- Professional Engineer, Professional Engineers Board Singapore
- Deputy Chairman, Kazakhstan-Singapore Business Council
- Professional Engineer, Society of Engineers, United Arab Emirates
- Professional Engineer, Saudi Council of Engineers, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Chartered Engineer, United Kingdom