Urban Planning
Change is constant, when it comes to urban planning

Xiamen, the eastern starting point of the "Belt and Road" initiative, is an important fulcrum for China's image to the world. The central island is located at the core of the new city and is the heart of the Maluanwan New District. As the city's new Central Business District (CBD), it is the service core and power engine for the integrated development of industry and city.
CPG Consultants Pte Ltd led a consortium together with the Hordor Design Group and emerged as the winner of the international "Xiamen Maluanwan New District Central Island Detailed Planning" design competition. The consortium has been awarded the project and will be furthering the plan with the local government.
The design highlighted the four development strategies comprising of shaping of regional gateways, development of three-dimensional continuous connection network, creation of CBD core environments and resilient communities placemaking. There was alot of focus on Xiamen’s local environmental characteristics that were enhanced and implemented through the planning to ensuregreen parks, open spaces and networks were well-connected throughout the island while maintaining visual connection to the mountain corridor.
Comprehensive extensive networks of public spaces along transit nodes and high-quality environments surrounding the CBD core are proposed to make it a world-class headquarters. Together, these design elements create accessible green space for enhancing urban landscape, ecological environment and urban resilience.
Project Details
Located next to the future expansion area of the Central Business District (CBD), Van Giang Eco Park is one of the largest township developments in Vietnam. The central development spine consists of different compartmentalised districts: Entrance Gateway District at the north, CBD, Creativity District, Old Town and Tourism District, Sport and Knowledge City at the south entrance.
In urban design, computer simulation was used for the first time to create the desired wind flow and sunshading at city level. The shape, geometry and orientation of buildings were modified to reduce wind shadows while maximising shade for different seasons. Water sensitive designs at town level were incorporated to protect the water quality through filtration and retention, treating waste water before discharging back to the environment and utilising storage points to reduce run-off and peak flows to mitigate floods.